Budget AI

We’re teaching AI to analyze your food preferences, budget constraints, and current location to offer personalized food recommendations and suggest nearby eateries where you can enjoy those meals, as well as providing options for ordering. Our goal is to train models that efficiently and effectively assist people in solving their meal-planning dilemmas.

Model Capabilities

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Have cash but don't know what to eat ?

Prompt: I have Ksh. 200 in my pocket and I'm looking for some great dining options. Can you suggest affordable yet delicious restaurants or dishes that I can try?

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You are in a new City or Town ?

Prompt: I just arrived in Nairobi for the first time and I'm looking for recommendations on where and what to eat. My budget is Ksh. 2,000. Any suggestions for must-visit eateries that I shouldn't miss?

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Want to see menu for specific eateries ?

Prompt: Hi there! I'm really interested in exploring the menu of Fast Foods Hotel in Kitui. I want to know what delicious dishes they offer and plan my dining choices accordingly.

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Request an Indoor delivery ?

Prompt: I would love to have an indoor delivery of rice with beef stew from a local restaurant. Can you help me find restaurants that offer indoor delivery services in Mombasa?

Model Safety

At BudgetBite, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our users. We have implemented several important safety measures to ensure a secure and reliable experience when using our AI technology. Here are some of the safety measures we have in place:

Adversarial Testing by Domain Experts

Before making BudgetBite available in Hamis Code Craft products, we are working with red teamers who are domain experts in areas like nutrition, hospitality, and Geography and Location Intelligence. These experts will be conducting adversarial testing on our AI model to identify any potential vulnerabilities or risks.

Detection of Misleading Content

We are actively developing tools to detect and prevent the dissemination of inaccurate information. Our AI technology is designed to recognize and flag misinformation, hateful content, and bias. By incorporating these detection mechanisms, our goal is to ensure that the information provided by BudgetBite is accurate, dependable, and devoid of harmful content.

Text Input Prompt Filtering

Once integrated into Hamis Code Craft products, our text classifier will check and reject text input prompts that violate our usage policies. This includes prompts that request extreme violence, sexual content, hateful imagery, celebrity likeness, or the intellectual property of others. By filtering out inappropriate or harmful prompts, we aim to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all users.

Engagement with Experts and Stakeholders

We believe in engaging with experts and stakeholders to address concerns and identify positive use cases for our AI technology. We actively collaborate with Culinary Arts professionals, Consumer Behavior Analysts, Health and Wellness Coaches, and Digital Marketing and E-commerce experts in Kenya. This collaboration helps us understand different perspectives, gather feedback, and continuously improve the safety and effectiveness of our AI systems.

Real-World Learning

Despite extensive research and testing, we acknowledge that it is impossible to predict all the ways in which people will use our technology or potentially abuse it. Therefore, we consider real-world use as a critical component of creating and releasing increasingly safe AI systems over time. By learning from real-world usage, we can continuously enhance the safety and reliability of BudgetBite AI.

At BudgetBite, we are committed to providing a safe and trustworthy AI-powered food recommendation platform. We strive to ensure that our users can enjoy the convenience and satisfaction of finding their perfect food destinations while maintaining a secure and reliable experience.

Let’s do it together

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Become a rider

Join us as a BudgetBite rider and unlock a world of freedom and competitive earnings in the world of delivery services.

Register here
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Unlock the power of advertising with us and reach your target audience effectively.

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Become a partner

Partner with us and expand your horizons! Our cutting-edge technology and extensive user base are your ticket to maximizing sales and seizing new opportunities for growth.

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